Saturday, December 18, 2010

Well she is doing better falling asleep at night. She is good at first, but its hard for her to get back to sleep after she wakes up at times, and nap time is near impossible. Literally I have had to put her in the car and just drive until she falls asleep. I am just glad that she gets way more sleep and her dark circles are gone. I figure once she's been falling asleep on her own enough it will come naturally at nap time. She has gotten so much more outspoken about what she wants. She is a determined little thing and is set in her own little world and control of it. Beautiful little manipulator. It will serve her well over her life to be so forward, determined, and sooo good at using that little pout and big blue eyes to her advantage. A fair world doesn't exist so I am happy she is good at getting what she wants. Not that I let in, its Daddy and Grandma that do. Last night her bath in the fancy tub, time at Grandma's vanity, this morning snacks on our bed, then playing with Daddy on our bed, then him walking her and holding her like she was a little baby, then off to play with Grandma. Such a beautifully simple world.

Still no sign of my cell phone. I am starting to wonder if we will ever find it, either way we can't afford the bill and no one from the sites has offered to take over the plan, so its probably going to get shut off for non-payment soon anyways. I don't feel its a horrible thing, we will set up a payment arrangement to get our monthly payments down to what we can afford and pay it off over time.

My dreams are still pointing towards us getting and taking this job in middle of no-where land. I certainly hope so because it looks like a dream, such a perfect little town. I am not a fan of the metro Detroit area where I reside, it would be much nicer to get back to a place where I can see the stars again.

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